This combination is REPLACING the Bottoms Up Suppositories that the FDA removed from our natural supplement production in the US. If it is a threat.
Organic olive oil, beeswax, marshmallow, St. John's wort, yarrow, butcher's broom, witch hazel and vitamin E
CAPSULES: Promotes normal healthy venous system integrity and function that shrinks hemorrhoids and brings back healthy, robust tissue that is not friable.
- Promotes normal healthy circulation
- Promotes normal healthy venous system integrity and function
Properties: astringent, vascular tonic
Ingredients: stoneroot (collinsonia), butcher's broom (coltsfoot), witch hazel, cinnamon, yarrow, horse chestnut and ginger in 100% vegetarian capsules
For hemorrhoids, inflammation, fissures and sores of the anus and rectum as you would the suppository
Please apply Bottoms Up Balm to the capsule and insert into the rectum EACH NIGHT BEFORE BED
APPLY WITCH HAZEL liquid liberally to the area through the day as Witch Hazel (Hamamelis) is a soothing astringent tonic that can help tissue and shrink venous engorgement from hemorrhoids all day long.
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