Wellness Labs Test Explanations
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
ABO Grouping and Rho(D) Typing
ABO Blood Type and Rh Type blood test is used to determine blood group: A, B, AB or O and the Rh type.
ANA- Antinuclear Antibodies ANA Direct
The antinuclear antibody (ANA) test is used as a primary test to help evaluate a person for autoimmune disorders that affect many tissues and organs throughout the body and is most often used as one of the tests to help diagnose systemic lupus erythematosus.
Antiscleroderma-70 Antibodies
Scl-70 antibody is a blood test that is mainly used to diagnose scleroderma, and to monitor your response to treatment. High Scl-70 antibodies blood levels are also present in people with rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome, SLE (systemic lupus erythmatosis), and other autoimmune diseases affecting connective tissue (CREST syndrome).
C-Reactive Protein, Cardiac - CCRP, HsCRP
A High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) test may be used to help evaluate an individual for risk of cardiovascular disease. It may be used in combination with a lipid profile or with other cardiac risk markers, such as a lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) test, to provide added information about heart disease risk.
C-reactive Protein, Quantitative QDCRP
A C-Reactive Protein Quantitative test (QCRP) is used to aid in the diagnosis of infections or diseases which cause inflammation. CRP is produced in the liver. It may help to differentiate Crohn's disease (high CRP) from ulcerative colitis (low CRP), and rheumatoid arthritis (high CRP) from uncomplicated lupus (low CRP).
Cardio IQ(TM) APO Eval
The apolipoprotein B (apo B) test is used to help determine an individual's risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
Cardio IQ(TM) Lipid Panel
These tests are used to assess risk for coronary heart disease (CHD; primary or secondary).
Cardio IQ(TM) Lipo, Ion MOB
The Cardio IQ® Lipoprotein Fractionation, Ion Mobility test is used to further assess cardiovascular disease risk in patients with intermediate or high risk.
CBC with Differential/Platelets
A Complete Blood Count is used as a broad screening test to check for such disorders as anemia, infection, and many other diseases.
This test is used to best measure a vital enzyme in your blood needed for proper copper/iron utilization. Ceruloplasmin is produced in your liver/retina/brain.
CMP - Comp Metab Pnl
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel is used to detect and monitor the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD).
CMP 14 (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel)
The Comprehensive Metabolic Panel is a group of 14 laboratory tests ordered to give information about the current status of your liver, kidneys, electrolyte and acid/base balance. The CMP test also gives the current status of your blood sugar and blood proteins.
Bioavailable copper is mandatory for health and disease prevention. Results of copper are interpreted together with ceruloplasmin.
Copper, Serum or Plasma
Bioavailable copper is mandatory for health and disease prevention. Results of copper are interpreted together with ceruloplasmin.
Cortisol, 8 A.M.
This is testing used to assess overall adrenal gland function/fatigue.
Cortisol, 8 A.M. Serum
This is testing used to assess overall adrenal gland function/fatigue.
CRP - C-Reactive Protein
This test indicates inflammation in the body. CRP is produced in the liver. CRP levels will rise in response to inflammation. It may help to differentiate Crohn's disease (high CRP) from ulcerative colitis (low CRP), and rheumatoid arthritis (high CRP) from uncomplicated lupus (low CRP).
CRP, High Sens, CSF
A high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) test may be used to help evaluate an individual for risk of cardiovascular disease. It indicates inflammation in the body. CRP is produced in the liver. CRP levels will rise in response to inflammation. It may be used in combination with a lipid profile or with other cardiac risk markers, such as a lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) test, to provide added information about heart disease risk. It also may help to differentiate Crohn's disease (high CRP) from ulcerative colitis (low CRP), and rheumatoid arthritis (high CRP) from uncomplicated lupus (low CRP).
DHEA Sulfate
DHEA-S (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate) is a male hormone that is made in the adrenal glands. The body turns it into testosterone. Testosterone affects sexual features and development. In men, it is made in large amounts by the testicles. In women, small amounts are made by the ovaries. In women, this test can help identify the cause of facial hair, a deep voice, or other signs of too much male hormone, and infertility.
DHT - Dihydrotestosterone
A test for dihydrotestosterone, best known for its roles in causing male pattern hair loss and prostate problems, and hair loss in women..
A test for dihydrotestosterone, best known for its roles in causing male pattern hair loss and prostate problems, and hair loss in women.
Endomysial Antibody, IgA
Endomysial Antibody IgA testing is used to aid in the diagnosis of Celiac Disease.
The Estradiol (E2) Blood Test is a test that will check the estradiol, also known as 17 beta-estradiol, level in the blood. The Estradiol Test is often referred to as the E2 Test. Although this is the most commonly ordered fertility test to check estradiol levels in women that have infertility problems and also for in vitro fertilization support, it is also ordered to monitor estradiol levels in fertile females and males. Estradiol is a form of the hormone estrogen. The ovaries, breasts, and adrenal glands make estradiol. It helps with the growth and development of female sex organs, and helps to control the way fat is distributed in the female body. It’s also essential for female bone and joint health. This test can also help identify causes of abnormal menstrual periods, abnormal vaginal bleeding, and female infertility. In men, the testes make estradiol, but at lower levels than in females.
Estradiol (E2, Sensitve (LCMS)
The sensitive estradiol blood test helps determine the causes of infertility, specifically in situations where low estradiol levels are suspected.
Ferritin, Serum
Ferritin is an intracellular protein that contains iron. This test can indicate how much iron your body is storing. Higher-or-lower than normal levels could indicate that you have a condition that causes your body to store too much iron. It could also point to liver disease, rheumatoid arthritis, other inflammatory conditions or hyperthyroidism. Some types of cancer also may raise blood ferritin levels.
Fibrinogen QN
Fibrinogen is an important protein made by your liver. If you have bleeding anywhere in your body, fibrinogen is released from your liver and travels to the site of bleeding to help form a blood clot. Deficiency can produce mild to severe bleeding disorders.
Fibrinogen Activity
This testing is used to evaluate fibrinogen, a protein that is essential for blood clot formation. When there is an injury and bleeding occurs, the body forms a blood clot through a series of steps. In one of the last steps, soluble fibrinogen is converted into insoluble fibrin threads that crosslink together to form a net that stabilizes and adheres at the injury site until the area has healed. Fibrinogen is a blood plasma protein that’s made in the liver. It is one of 13 coagulation factors responsible for normal blood clotting. A fibrinogen activity test may be ordered to determine the cause of abnormal bleeding, frequent nosebleeds, excessive bleeding from the gums, excessive bruising, hemorrhage of the gastrointestinal tract, blood in the urine, or blood in the stool.
Follicle Stimulating Hormone is released by the pituitary gland, located on the underside of the brain. It is responsible for the growth of ovarian follicles. Follicles produce estrogen and progesterone in the ovaries and help maintain the menstrual cycles in women. In men, FSH is a part of the development of the gonads as well as sperm production. The test is used to find the underlying cause of reproductive system issues.
FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Serum
The Follicle Stimulating Hormone test is often used in conjunction with other tests in the workup of infertility in both men and women. FSH is released by the pituitary gland, located on the underside of the brain. It is responsible for the growth of ovarian follicles. Follicles produce estrogen and progesterone in the ovaries and help maintain the menstrual cycles in women. In men, FSH is a part of the development of the gonads as well as sperm production. The test is used to find the underlying cause of reproductive system issues.
Hemoglobin A1C
The hemoglobin blood test is primarily used as a means of calculating average levels glucose in the blood over an extended period of time.
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Types 1-/2-Specific Antibodies, IgG
Detection of antibodies specific to Herpes Simplex Viruses, which are more commonly known as herpes, are categorized into two types: herpes type 1 (HSV-1, or oral herpes) and herpes type 2 (HSV-2, or genital herpes).
Homocysteine Plasma
The homocysteine blood test helps diagnose B6 and B12 Deficiency, as well as, a Folate Deficiency. It is also used to identify patients who may be at risk for heart disease and/or strokes.
IGF-1 Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Somatomedin-C Frozen Growth Hormone Marker
This test is ordered to help diagnose the cause of growth abnormalities and to evaluate pituitary function.
Insulin, Fasting
The determination of insulin is used in diagnosing and the therapy of various disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, including diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia.
Iodine Serum, or Plasma
The Iodine Blood Test is useful in the diagnosis of iodine deficiency or excess, iodine-induced hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) and hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), and autoimmune thyroid diseases such as Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, as well as monitoring exposure to iodine.
Iodine, 24 Hr Urine
Old site: The Iodine 24hr urine test may be used to evaluate iodine deficiency disorders or monitor exposure to iodine and it may also be used to help diagnose iodine-induced hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or autoimmune thyroid diseases such as Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.
Iron, Total, & Iron Binding Capacity
The Iron and TIBC Blood Test is ordered to assess the body's ability to bind and transport iron in the blood. It is used when iron deficiency or iron overload is suspected. It tests for the differential diagnosis of anemia, especially with hypochromia and/or low MCV.
Kryptopyrrole Quantitative Urine Test
Pyroluria is characterized by elevated urine kryptopyrrole levels, which result in a dramatic deficiency of zinc and vitamin B6 as well as biotin and GLA (essential fatty acid).
Lipoprotein (a)
A test ordered for patients who have a strong family history of premature coronary artery disease. Lipoprotein (a) has been called a powerful predictor of premature atherosclerotic vascular disease.
NMR LipoProfile w/IR Markers
The NMR LipoProfile Blood Test, also known as The Particle Test, provides a direct measure of your LDL particle number (LDL-P) along with your standard cholesterol results. Knowing your LDL-P gives you a more complete picture of your heart health.
OOL Extensive Thyroid Panel
Includes: Iodine, T3 Uptake; T3-Free (FT3); T3, Reverse, LC/MS/MS; T4, (Thyroxine), Total; T4, Free (FT4); Thyroid Peroxidase and Thyroglobulin Antibodies; TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
PSA, Serum - Prostate-Specific Antigen, Serum
Test for PSA, a glycoprotein produced exclusively in the prostate gland. Elevated PSA levels can indicate prostate cancer or a noncancerous condition such as prostatitis or an enlarged prostate.
PSA, Total and % Free
Most PSA tests measure "total PSA," or the amount that is bound to blood proteins. In March, FDA approved the Tandem R test, which measures not only total PSA but another component called "free PSA," which floats unbound in the blood. Comparing the two helps doctors rule out cancer in men whose PSA is mildly elevated from other causes.
The Progesterone Blood Test measures the amount of progesterone in the blood, and helps determine the cause of infertility in women. Additionally, a progesterone lab helps track ovulation and and diagnose ectopic or failing pregnancy.
RBC Magnesium (intracellular)
This test is used to evaluate Magnesium levels in red blood cells. Magnesium is a mineral that is important for strong bones and muscles, heart health, energy production, and nerve function. A Magnesium RBC test can provide an earlier indicator of Magnesium deficiency that a standard Magnesium serum test. When levels are low, the body will pull Magnesium from the cells to keep blood levels normal. In this case a Magnesium blood test may show normal levels while a Magnesium RBC test will give a more accurate result.
Reverse T3, Serum
The Reverse T3 Test helps evaluate thyroid function and metabolism.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor
The Rheumatoid Factor Test is often the first test ordered when rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is suspected. Although both RA and Sjogren's syndrome can be diagnosed based on clinical signs and symptoms, this test can help distinguish between types of arthritis and other conditions that produce similar symptoms (joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation, among others).
Sedimentation Rate, Westergren
The Sedimentation Rate, Westergren test has been used for many years to help diagnose conditions associated with acute and chronic inflammation, including infections, cancers, and autoimmune diseases.
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, Serum - SHBG, serum
Test usually ordered to help in evaluating the status of a patient's androgens (male hormones).
Sjogren's Antibodies (Anti-SS-A)
The Sjogren Anti SS-A test looks for a specific type of auto antibody, SS-A, which is commonly associated with Sjogren's Syndrome. Sjogren's is an autoimmune disease, a disorder in which a person's immune system turns against the body's own cells.
Sjogren's Antibodies (Anti-SS-B)
The Sjogren Anti SS-B test looks for a specific type of auto antibody, SS-B, which is commonly associated with Sjogren's Syndrome. Sjogren's is an autoimmune disease, a disorder in which a person's immune system turns against the body's own cells.
T3 Uptake
The T3 Uptake test is used to help evaluate thyroid function.
Testosterone Free and Total
The testosterone test may be used to help evaluate conditions such as:
- Delayed or precocious (early) puberty in boys
- Decreased sex drive in men and women
- Erectile dysfunction in men
- Infertility in men and women
- Testicular tumors in men
- Hypothalamus or pituitary disorders
- Hirsutism and virilization in girls and women
Thyroglobulin Antibody
This test helps detect possible thyroid problems. Antithyroglobulin antibodies can lead to the destruction of the thyroid gland and be related to autoimmune thyroid disorders and Hypothyroidism.
Thyroid Panel with TSH
Thyroid Panel with TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone) is a comprehensive evaluation of your thyroid hormone levels. Thyroid function is critical to your metabolism and affects your energy level, heart rate, weight control, and more. The thyroid-stimulating hormone is produced in the pituitary gland and stimulates the production of thyroid hormones. The TSH helps identify an underactive or overactive thyroid state.
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies - TPO Ab
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO Ab) blood test helps to determine if there is an autoimmune component to a patients thyroid disorder.
Thyroxine (T4), Free
The free thyroxine (T4) direct serum test that helps to evaluate thyroid gland function. This test is also used to help diagnose hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
Thyroxine (T4), Total
The Thyroxine (T4), Total blood test is a thyroid function test. It measures the level of thyroxine in the blood, helping to diagnose thyroid disorders such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
The Transferrin Test is ordered to assess the body's ability to bind and transport iron in the blood. It is often ordered along with other iron-related tests when iron deficiency or overload are suspected, or to assess nutrition or liver function.
Triiodothyronine (T3), Free
To assist in evaluating thyroid function primarily related to diagnosing hyperthyroidism and monitoring the effectiveness oftherapeutic interventions.Ordered to evaluate thyroid function and assess abnormal binding protein disorders.
Triiodothyronine (T3), Total
To assist in evaluating thyroid function primarily related to diagnosing hyperthyroidism and monitoring the effectiveness oftherapeutic interventions.
A Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) test is used to check for thyroid gland problems and to make sure that the gland is functioning properly. The TSH test is often chosen to not only evaluate the thyroid gland function but to also reveal symptoms of a thyroid disorder, including hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland).
Uric Acid, Serum
The uric acid blood test measures the amount of uric acid in a blood sample. Uric acid is produced from the natural breakdown of your body's cells and from the foods you eat.
Vitamin A, E, Beta Carotene
Ordered to assess hypervitaminoses or vitamin deficiency.
Vitamin B12
The Vitamin B12 Blood test helps diagnose macrocytic anemia and neuropathy, and evaluates and monitors treatment for Vitamin B12 deficiency.
Vitamin B12 and Folates
B12 and Folate (Folic Acid) are mainly ordered to help diagnose the cause of macrocytic anemia. Folate, B12, and an assortment of other tests may be ordered to help evaluate the general health and nutritional status of a patient with signs of significant malnutrition or malabsorption.
Vitamin D, 25-Hyrdroxy
Blood test to determine Vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D, 25-OH, Total, IA
Zinc, Plasma or Serum
Ordered to monitor exposure to Zinc.