LABCORP Test Numbers: 123638; 21601; 120188; 120766; 322000; 005009; 001453; 004598
Complete Vascular Biomarker and Cholesterol Screening Profile
A very comprehensive evaluation
Critical vascular biomarkers measurement
Assess cardiovascular risk related to inflammation and risk for cholesterol plaque in the arteries
- very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL)
- intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDL)
- low-density lipoproteins (LDL
Apolipoprotein B-100 is the primary protein associated with LDL cholesterol and other lipid particles. Like LDL cholesterol, increased concentrations are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
- ApoA-I is the major component of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles and Apolipoprotein A1 is the primary protein associated with HDL cholesterol. Like HDL cholesterol, increased concentrations are associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease as it plays an important role in reverse cholesterol transport (i.e. LDL removal)
Ratio of apolipoprotein A-1:apolipoprotein B
- Studies have shown that the ratio of apolipoprotein A-1:apolipoprotein B may correlate better with increased risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) than total cholesterol, and LDL:HDL ratio. The ratio of these two apolipoproteins correlates with risk of cardiovascular disease.
Lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)
- Lipoprotein(a) particles are similar to LDL particles, but sticker than LDL, which means they are more likely to cause blockages in the arteries. High levels of lipoprotein(a) are a risk factor for heart disease and stroke.
HgA1C, Ferritin, cardio CRP-hs are independent inflammatory markers
CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and LabCorp may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown.
- NMR LipoProf wSubCls+Graph CPT: 80061; 83704
- Apolipoprotein Assessment * CPT:82172(x2) - includes Apolipoprotein A-1; apolipoprotein B; apolipoprotein B:apolipoprotein A-1 ratio
- Lipoprotein(a) CPT: 83695
- C-Reactive Protein, hs CPT: 86141
- CMP 14 CPT:80053
- CBC W/ Differential/Platelet CPT: 85025
- Hemoglobin A1c CPT: 83036
- Ferritin CPT: 82728
Apolipoprotein A1 is the primary protein associated with HDL cholesterol. Like HDL cholesterol, increased concentrations are associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Apolipoprotein B-100 is the primary protein associated with LDL cholesterol and other lipid particles. Like LDL cholesterol, increased concentrations are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The ratio of these two apolipoproteins correlates with risk of cardiovascular disease.
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