Wellness Labs Overview
How many times have you wanted labs to assess your health and asked your doctor to order them, but the response by the doctor was “NO” they are “unnecessary”? No more!
Also, don’t forget that with insurance plans which require you spend thousands of dollars out-of-pocket before deductibles are met, PLUS the growing number of people who are currently uninsured, the out-of-pocket expenses for labs can be formidable and limit your access to good healthcare.
All Wellness Lab Full Profiles Select Individual Labs
The labs are segmented into two sections.
- Full profiles that include several individual tests for broad health concerns
- Individual Lab Selection of many individual labs, for more focused concerns
Now, you can order labs for yourself. How liberating.
Dr. Cometa created the Wellness Labs for this reason. She has access to virtually “wholesale” pricing for your necessary lab work, so she really KNOWS just how much the laboratory marks up the cost of the labs you want and need.
The costs of the our Wellness Labs are a fraction of the standard industry rates. So, your out-of-pocket expense is far less.
How you benefit:
- Dr. Cometa has hand-selected specific labs for each Wellness Profile to insure the most accurate and thorough assessment of your health.
- You will receive your Lab results by email as soon as they are returned to Dr. Cometa.
- Dr. Cometa will be offering 45-minute virtual consultations (FaceTime or Skype) for those folks who order labs and are not one of her patients. Whether you are in Oregon or around the corner from The Cometa Wellness Center, in the near future, you can schedule a Wellness Labs consultation for an additional fee. Stay tuned for this exciting new upcoming addition to her Integrative Medicine practice.
- You receive, via email, a PAID receipt that you can submit to your insurance company.
- You will have paid a fraction of the cost you would have paid for the same blood work if you have no insurance, or when deductibles are unmet, or when you (often unknowingly) agreed to only partial payment of lab work when you signed up for your plan.
Wellness Labs Groupings
Health Concerns
Lab Choices
Why Do Some of the Labs Sound Like Duplicates of Others?
Most health insurance carriers cover labs from one or the other of two of the largest labs in the U.S.—but not both. So, we’ve ardently created Wellness Lab Profiles which are equivalent and available through LabCorp or Quest. Simply choose LabCorp or Quest from the Lab Choices list above to see all choices from each lab.