Support GLP-1 production naturally and loose unwanted inches and pounds with your own internal resources

Many readers were fascinated to learn in my July 2024 newsletter that their bodies already make GLP-1. Combined with the foods we eat, we can help boost our GLP-1 production. Semaglutide (Ozempic) is a "copy-cat" and is not safe long term. Why not make your own Ozempic?


Let’s talk about this Ozempic Deficiency Epidemic

The unfortunate reality is there is NO Nutritional Medicine taught in medical school. So, doctors can’t intelligently counsel their patients about food choices when it comes to their health. Doctors are simply not trained in Nutrition, unless they train as I did. I began to study Functional Medicine, (i.e. Health starts in the Gut), in 1989 when the science of Functional Medicine was not yet named. Sitting in the audience as a 2nd year medical student was daunting as the founding figure and creator of Functional Medicine, Dr. Jeffrey Bland, lectured on the incredible connection between nutrition and disease and why healing the gut was the cornerstone to health as well as disease prevention.


Fast forward to 2024, the vast amount of science helping us to all understand the connection between metabolic function and our gut biome, (the collection of bacteria and other microorganisms inhabiting the digestive tract), is truly empowering. Correctly and safely losing unwanted pounds and inches while we restore ourselves to health is always possible for everyone. Although the medical industry would prefer to tell you otherwise and convince you that you need drugs to attain a healthy weight. This is simply not a truth.


The reason, the GLP-1 drugs - such as Semaglutide (Ozempic and its friends) gained popularity, is through the use of these drugs with Type 2 Diabetes. Also known as Insulin Resistant or Adult-Onset Diabetes, patients with Type 2 Diabetics who were prescribed Ozempic often were found to lose a considerable amount of weight.



It has been repeatedly demonstrated that the gut biome of individuals exhibiting obesity and/or type 2 diabetes is very different from those who are neither overweight nor have type 2 diabetes.


Over time, their gut biome went through very specific changes that predisposed them to metabolic health issues such as Diabetes and Obesity.


There is a lot of evidence demonstrating that our gut biome contributes immeasurably to our metabolism. Cliché or not, “we are what we eat” and we do not gain weight or have difficulties losing weight due to a deficiency in Ozempic.


In fact, in 2012, Semaglutide was created as synthetic version of a hormone found in the venom of the Gila monster lizard. The hormone is similar to human glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which helps regulate blood sugar.


ALL pharmaceutical drugs mimic nature in some form or fashion, but do so synthetically and as a result have toxic adverse side effects and often downregulate our ability to do for ourselves what the drugs are doing for us.


For example, Semaglutide (Ozempic) is a synthetic version of our own glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). GLP-1 is a hormone in the human body that stimulates insulin secretion and inhibits glucagon secretion. More on this shortly.


ALL OF THIS can be done inside your body without Ozempic.

Your own bacteria are programed to do this in your own distal colon.

Shortly we will discuss HOW to support and/or return to your own internal weight loss machine.


When you can't lose weight with the correct dietary changes and exercise


Evidence indicates that lifestyle interventions (i.e. diet and exercise) for weight loss and metabolic health may depend on the baseline gut biome.


What this means is simple...

if the wrong food has been eaten long enough, then dietary changes and exercise alone may not be enough to lose weight.


Poor diet with processed and refined foods is a way of life in the USA- it is called The Western Diet. Add this to chronic stress, antibiotic over-prescribing and physical inactivity and we are just at the tip of the iceberg for challenges with desired weight loss in this country.


It is JUST for this reason that the OZEMPIC drugs went viral!


 It is HOW drug marketing works! Feed on disempowering the public. Rather than helping to reverse medical issues by restoring the natural ability for us to manage our own health, Pharma tells us we can't "do health", but instead "need drugs".


What does GLP-1 do in our body?


Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is released into your colon when you eat and

exerts its main effect by promoting satiety through:

  •  feeding your cells (stimulates glucose-dependent insulin release-Diabetes is a starvation cycle which propagates hunger)
  • slowing gastric emptying which improves satiety signaling
  • promoting fuel burn rather than fuel storage through reducing glucagon release.

All of this creates reduced food intake and appetite through improved satiety.


On the topic of gut health and how to augment weight loss… we need to restore our ability to activate in our own body, what the GLP-1 drugs are doing. After all, this family of GLP-1 drugs are only mimicking what we already have the ability to do inside ourselves.


The exciting news is that science consistently now reveals that our body can actually reverse obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Once an individual normalizes their gut biome with very specific and precise probiotics to stabilize their metabolism, targeted metabolic health improvements are revealed. 


Replenishment of specific microbes known as Akkermansia muciniphila and the butyrate producing microbes, are DIMINISHED in patients with metabolic disorders. Once replaced, these natural probiotics are now OUR MICROBES that reside in the gut and they return our GLP-1 activity back NATURALLY to POTENTIATE and SUPPORT the beneficial effects that lifestyle interventions through diet and exercise can have on our physiology for weight loss and much more.


In our OWN Gut BIOME, the Akkermansia and Butyrate producing bacteria, ferment the CORRECT fiber we eat and create satiety and weight loss naturally over time.




Soluble fiber as veggies and fruit are THE major energy source for gut microbes and substrate for butyrate production. To optimize the presence of Akkermansia muciniphila, polyphenol-rich prebiotic foods are not only beneficial antioxidants, but have also been shown to increase Akkermansia population in the gut.


GLP-1 Probiotic and Metabolic Balance together with Akkermansia 500 and Polyphenol Booster together:

naturally release your OWN GLP-1, the “un-hunger” or satiety hormone to boost your metabolism, message your brain that you’re full, curb your cravings and appetite....AND LOSE WEIGHT.


TRY to remember that GLP-1 is what you naturally MAKE and OZEMPIC mimics as a copycat!


Isn't it time to unleash your internal GLP-1 production to naturally lose pounds and inches?


KEY PLAYERS in the program:

  • Akkermansia muciniphila generates and releases short chain fatty acids such as acetate and propionate, that induce GLP-1 production. 
  • Clostridium butyricum produces the butyrate which stimulates GLP-1
  • Bifidobacterium infantis produces acetate and lactate which feed bacteria such as Akkermansia and Butyricum, promoting an ecosystem in the gut that supports a healthy gut lining and naturally boosts GLP-1.


Stimulate your Natural GLP-1


click on each supplement to learn more about them!


Akkermansia is in GLP-1, and Metabolic Daily. Please take Akkermansia 500 Pro at least 1 time daily with the largest meal of the day


Before or/with breakfast:

Taken together:

GLP-1 Probiotic 1 capsule each morning

Polyphenol Booster 1 capsule


Before dinner AND

Taken together:

Metabolic Daily 1 capsule

Polyphenol Booster 1 capsule

Click here for the Stimulate the Natural Ozempic Solution


Envision Yourself Healthy and be PROACTIVE ...The Rest will Follow


Let's keep our health a priority, ALWAYS

Ariane Cometa MD

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