Leaky Gut, Inflammation and Bowel Health

Leaky Gut has been around for a long time!

What if the ancient concept of illnesses originating in the gut actually holds true?

Doctors like myself who practice Integrative Medicine, KNOW that all the chronic diseases our society faces today are on some level, associated with a dysfunctional gastrointestinal system. The GUT IS OUR SECOND BRAIN. The topic of "Leaky Gut " is currently trending in self-care awareness circles and getting a lot of well deserved attention. BUT, it has been understood and discussed with patients for decades between patients and their Integrative Medicine doctors. Yet, please do not be surprised if your conventional doctor does not recognize this term. They are completely ignorant of any training that involves gut health and because Leaky Gut, also called increased intestinal permeability, is not taught to conventionally trained doctors, they simply do not believe it exists. Ignorance is Bliss as well as an Escape.


In the early 1800’s, Hypochondriasis was the name used to describe certain ailments caused by an "unfounded belief that one is sick” and could originate from imbalances in the stomach. Although we now define Hypochondriasis as a condition to describe a "hypochondriac"; a person who has a persistent, often inexplicable fear of having a serious medical illness, this condition was originally used by doctors as early as the 1600’s, when the upper abdomen was thought to be the seat of melancholy at a time when the now-outdated medical theory of the four humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile [choler], and black bile [melancholy]) was accepted as a basis for legitimate health practice. In the 17th century, hypochondriac referred to people who suffered from “depression and melancholy without cause,” though we might suppose from the name of this malady that many depressed patients complained of abdominal pains, which otherwise went undiagnosed.

In the Ancient Greek language, as well as today in medicine, the hypochondrium refers to the upper part of the abdomen or that region of the abdomen between the breastbone and the navel.


What is Leaky Gut?

Inside our bellies, we have an extensive intestinal lining covering more than 4,000 square feet of surface area. When working properly, it forms a tight barrier that controls what gets absorbed into the bloodstream. An unhealthy gut lining may have large cracks or holes, allowing partially digested food, toxins, and bugs to penetrate the tissues beneath it. This may trigger inflammation and changes in the gut flora (normal bacteria) that could lead to problems within the digestive tract and beyond. The research world is booming today with studies showing that modifications in intestinal bacteria and inflammation may play a role in the development of several common chronic diseases. FINALLY!! It only took 300 years!

When the intestinal lining is compromised and it is considered permeable or “leaky”, it is the tight junctions of our intestinal epithelial cells (bowel lining) that have been broken down. When this occurs and the main barrier between our digestive tract and our blood stream has been damaged, we can have a variety of symptoms.


A short list of some of the more common Symptoms of Leaky Gut:




   Abdominal pain




 Brain fog

    Rashes, such as eczema

    Nausea and vomiting

    Skin itchiness and redness

    Bronchitis and asthma-like symptoms

    Musculoskeletal joint pain

    Muscle stiffness and swelling

Why do we get Intestinal Permeability or Leaky Gut? Critical to understanding Leaky Gut is to realize that there are many factors that contribute to degradation/breakdown of the intestinal mucosa (bowel lining).


A short list of major players:

  • breakdown of immune regulation managed by the intestinal lining
  • loss of immune tolerance with resulting hypersensitivity and immune mediated reactivity to foods we eat
  • loss of gut microbial diversity (bacteria in the gut become imbalanced) with associated Dysbiosis (i.e. imbalanced bacteria in the gut)

Who gets a leaky gut (and why)? 

We all have some degree of leaky gut, as this barrier is not completely impenetrable (and it isn’t supposed to be!).

 How to and WHY should we treat LEAKY GUT

 We already know that increased intestinal permeability plays a role in certain gastrointestinal conditions such as Celiac Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD, such as Ulcerative and Crohn's Colitis), and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Leaky Gut also causes or contributes to diseases outside the gastrointestinal tract; leading to an autoimmune picture in many cases. To name a few diagnoses related to the an unhealthy mucosal gut lining (i.e. Leaky Gut), there is Lupus, Type 1 Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, ALL forms of Arthritis, ALL forms of Allergies, Asthma, Acne and even mental illness. This is a shortened list!

 Although it is unusual to hear the term "increased intestinal permeability" in most doctors' offices, we old school Integrative Medicine practitioners as well as other cultures around the world, have worked with healing the gut through dietary changes and healing supplementation as an initial step to treat all chronic disease, not just for gastrointestinal support.

The average American Diet is highly inflammatory

 A nutritious, unprocessed diet which includes foods that help quell inflammation as well as avoiding foods that are known to trigger inflammation are building block foundational steps to rebuilding the gut lining and bringing more balance to the gut flora (i.e. gut biome). Eating a Clean and Nutrient Dense selection of food will be a very good first step for resolving Leaky Gut.

What do I mean by clean and nutrient dense food?

 As many of you know I like to recommend we eat an Ant-Inflammatory Diet with no processed foods from boxes, jars, cans or bags and nothing is cooked in the microwave. Please eat clean, unprocessed and nutritious food. This means protein of all types, many vegetables and fruit with small amounts of well grown grains and VOILA! ...you are eating clean. Cooking at home is very important as well and the internet offers millions of healthful recipes. Essentially, I recommend the Mediterranean Diet, which can be found here.

Heal Your Gut Naturally

 We want to:

  • maintain a healthy inflammatory response
  • soothe the GI tract's mucus membranes through healing enterocyte cell nutrients such as Glutamine
  • support healthy, (rather than excessive and leaky), colonic permeability and bowel regularity
  • support healthy gut flora to include prebiotics like normal butyrate levels
  • support a balanced immune system
  • provide a robust, broad-spectrum blend of synergistic and complementary species probiotics


Heal Your Leaky Gut Program

This is a simple program which supports rebuilding the gut mucosal lining through the powers of nature to bring back healthy cell lining as well as nourish those cells. It is also essential to re-inoculate the gut with our healthiest biome of bacteria!

 Simple program instructions:

Enteromend 1 scoop in 2-4 ounces of water upon arising and/or after dinner/before bed

GI Revive 2 capsules with all meals or 2 largest meals

Therabiotic Complete 1 capsule before bed

 The Mediterranean Diet is EXTREMELY helpful with this program to heal the gut

 Mediterranean Diet handout can be emailed to you. Click here

What do I mean by clean and nutrient dense food (Mediterranean Diet)

 As many of you know I like to recommend we eat an Ant-Inflammatory Diet with no processed foods from boxes, jars, cans or bags and nothing is cooked in the microwave. Please eat clean, unprocessed and nutritious food, this means protein of all types, many vegetables and fruit with small amounts of well grown grains and you are eating clean. Cooking at home is very important as well and the internet offers millions of healthful recipes. Essentially, I recommend the Mediterranean Diet, which is what I just described above.


Heal Your Leaky Gut Program is 15% Reduced on the Website at this time. Click here to learn more


Simple program instructions:

Enteromend 1 scoop in 2-4 ounces of water upon arising and/or after dinner/before bed

GI Revive 2 capsules with all meals or 2 largest meals

Therabiotic Complete 1 capsule before bed


As always...to your optimum Self-Care and Natural Health!

Ariane Cometa MD

your holistic doc


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