Do you still harbor the Covid Spike Protein in your body?




Do you have symptoms of post- acute sequelae from COVID?

 You don’t have to have Long Haul Covid to have symptoms that persist after Covid

The issue is that the medical field has not consistently or effectively looked at what happens in the body after Covid infection. There are many symptoms related to Covid infection that may persist after Covid infection. Let's face it, in the big picture, we don’t even know the lifespan of the Covid virus, much less what post-covid infectious symptoms look like. The mutated versions of the Covid virus, in part related to the virus attempting to thwart the Covid vaccine campaign against it, makes all of this more complicated. Further infuriating is that this country does not acknowledge the Covid vaccine as a causative agent for causing just as many chronic problems if not more than is seen with post-acute sequalae COVID infection.

 Although not revealed to the American public by the medical community, the international scientific literature reveals abundant evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein both from COVID -19 infection as well as the COVID vaccine may very well cause biological damage in the cardiovascular, hematological, neurological, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and immunological systems.


Once again, the American public remains in the dark, brain washed and completely unaware of the impact Pharma has on their health

 Due to the fact that there is not a strong innate clearing mechanism for COVID spike protein in the human body, there is detection of spike protein for at least 6-15 months after Covid vaccination AND Covid infection. Covid spike protein persistence in the body at least contributes to, if it is not a primary factor for ongoing symptoms that did not exist before getting the COVID virus or COVID vaccine or before getting both multiple times! 

What does this mean? 

It means that we need to consider there is NO MEDICAL ATTENTION PAID to the idea that we need strategies to eliminate spike protein from the human body in an attempt to reduce the burden of disease from COVID -19 infection and worse, vaccine injury syndromes.

No one has not been exposed to COVID

Many don’t test positive and think they’ve never been infected, but no one has NOT BEEN EXPOSED to COVID, and no one is the same since winter/spring 2020 when COVID went viral! 

 On the topic of the COVID vaccine

 The spike protein in the vaccine-encoded spike protein differs from the viral version by the replacement of a few amino acids, which stabilizes the spike conformation to remain in the body and theoretically create antibodies. This is not the same version of the spike protein that naturally attaches to our cells during Covid infection. During infection, the spike protein breaks apart and only part of it enters the cell. 

This is a critical difference between natural Covid infection and spike protein response from the vaccine, where stabilization makes the vaccine spike protein more immunogenic than the viral version and more dangerous as a result.

 Who ever tested what happens inside us after this human engineered synthetic spike protein is introduced to the human body?

No one.

How could this be done? It takes years to study. The stabilized spike protein found in the vaccines persists in the human body because it is synthetic and the body does not know how to break it down; hence it is more immunogenic and this means it may make antibodies BUT it definitely MAKES MUCH MORE that is potentially damaging to the human body due to its antigenicity.

 So it is just that which is thought to make the vaccine more effective at inducing antibody production against the virus that may be and very likely does cause the spike protein to remain in the body doing "who knows what and for how long"!! We will never know because it was never investigated before tens of millions of people received the Covid vaccine.

 There are multiple investigations now and upcoming to connect vaccine spike protein found in human subjects for up to six months after vaccination at the time of study. Scientific investigation has done a good job distinguishing COVID infection spike protein from COVID Vaccine spike protein found in the human body and both forms of the spike protein are found to cause biological damage in the cardiovascular, hematological, neurological, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and immunological systems.


 Even without Covid vaccination, it has been established that we have a spike protein clearing problem when the natural COVID virus infects us.

The vaccine-derived spike protein is thought to possess similar harmful mechanisms as viral spike protein or be worse because it has been altered (the spike protein from the virus splits/cleaves when attached and entering our cells and the vaccine encodes for the full-length protein that is not cleaved) and is further difficult for the body to break down. These structural differences contribute to the possibility that spike protein pathogenicity may be worse in the vaccinated.

 Obviously, more research is needed to further investigate the effect of spike protein in patients with post-acute sequelae after COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccination. Meanwhile, the current data points to a strong signal to urgently develop spike protein detoxification protocols, but there is no medical approach currently in place to remove spike protein from the human body. 


Spike Protein Detox Regime

 This three-supplement natural regimen of Nattokinase, Bromelain, and Curcumin was chosen due to their proven safety records, as well as their anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant properties combined with their synergistic and potent effects in degrading and inhibiting spike protein. This protocol may be useful for anyone and you do not need to have COVID-19 vaccine-induced symptoms or long-term COVID-19 complications to take advantage of it!

Primary Mechanisms of Action found in the Spike Protein Detox Program

Proteolytic degradation of spike protein

  • Nattokinase has a potent degrading effect on the COVID spike protein, rendering them inactive
  •  Bromelain also degrades spike proteins, rendering them inactive

  Inhibition of inflammation from spike protein and its fragments in tissues

  • Bromelain and Curcumin block the receptor on the cell surface that it uses to bind to enter the cell.
  • By preventing the spike protein from binding to the cell surface, Bromelain and Curcumin are inhibiting the Cascade of events that lead to inflammation caused by spike protein binding 
  • There is also something called Attenuation of spike protein-induced inflammation, whereby Bromelain and Curcumin suppress inflammation through downregulating NF-kB pathway signalling induced by spike protein. Hence, further suppression of inflammatory is downregulated by Bromelain and Curcumin when this pathway is reduced in activity

Dissolution of microthrombi and clot prevention

  • Nattokinase directly degrades fibrinolysis-resistant fibrin (from spike protein), and bromelain upregulates fibrinolysis
  • This makes Nattokinase and Bromelain vital to dissolving spike protein-induced blood clots, as they may contain fibrin that is resistant to fibrinolysis 

The Spike Protein Detox Players


  • A proteolytic enzyme derived from the fermentation of soybeans by Bacillus subtilis natto, has been traditionally used in Japan for cardiovascular benefits and possesses direct fibrinolytic activity by hydrolyzing fibrin and plasmin substrate, meaning it can be used to dissolve blood clots
  • Additionally, nattokinase has a potent degrading effect on the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2


Exerts multiple mechanisms of action against spike protein’s toxic effects and persistence:

A proteolytic enzyme actvity sourced from the stem of pineapples

Bromelain can breakdown spike protein’s shields that would protect it from our immune system 

 Anti-inflammatory power of bromelain, in part, downregulates the pro-inflammatory prostaglandin E−2 (PGE-2) through inhibition of NF-kB and cyclooxygenase 2 to INHIBIT these inflammatory mediators

 Bromelain’s anticoagulant activity

  • It downregulates PGE-2 and thromboxane A2, promoting a relative prostacyclin abundance in platelets.
  • it aids in fibrinolysis by promoting plasminogen conversion to plasmin and inhibiting platelet aggregation

Bromelain can obstruct SARS-CoV-2's entry into cells by cleaving its spike protein and reducing ACE2 and TMPRSS2 expression 


a polyphenol extracted from Turmeric

Renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to modulate inflammation during viral infections

  • Anti-inflammatory effects are realized through inhibiting NF-κB signaling 
  • Curcumin decreases high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and other markers of inflammation involving spike protein.
  • Curcumin also supports fibrinolysis and the process of anticoagulation 
  • Beyond its traditionally recognized benefits, curcumin has shown promising antiviral action against a wide range of viruses, including influenza, hepatitis, and notably, SARS-CoV-2 - by obstructing the spike protein's binding sites (ACE2 receptors and TMPRSS-2).


3 month program

Spike Protein Detox 3 month program

$282.38 from $351.37 ( 25% savings for 3 month program)

 Nattokinase NSK-SD® in this program was the first nattokinase introduced into the US market, and it has established standardization and quality levels for all nattokinase, with comprehensive safety studies and proven potency. It is vegetarian, non-irradiated, and free of vitamin K2. NSK-SD® has two Japanese and three U.S. patents, and is recognized by the JHFA (Japan Health and Nutrition Food Authorization) and JNKA (Japan Nattokinase Association) as authentic nattokinase. NSK-SD® is a trademark of Japan BioScience Laboratory. 

  • #180 1 twice daily 3 month supply $118.99

 Botanical Treasures ( better than just Curcumin!)

Botanical Treasures® delivers broad spectrum antioxidant activity to quench free radicals, thereby normalizing gene behavior and supporting healthy aging. This highly concentrated herbal extract formula features Curcumin C3 Complex®, an advanced patented extract of Turmeric, standardized to 95% curcuminoids. Botanical Treasures® blends the traditional knowledge of Vitalist herbalism, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda with the extensive findings of modern research. The result is a comprehensive formula to promote lifelong health and vitality.*

  •  #180 2 twice daily – 45 day supply $68.99-  buy one and get the 2nd bottle free with the package


  •  #180 1 twice daily – 3month supply $94.40



Envision Yourself Healthy and be PROACTIVE ...The Rest will Follow

 Let's keep our health a priority, ALWAYS

Ariane Cometa MD

your holistic doc

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